Metrological Portable Bench / Mobile Unit

Metrology cases for leak testing of steam valves -
Dew point analysis and O2 and H2 content in argon

Mobile and autonomous unit - Water flow control from 5 g/h to 60 kg/h with Coriolis effect sensor -
On-board analyzers - Capacitive hygrometer - H2 detector - Standard bottles - Dew point -30°C to 40°C -
O2 content 0 to 50 ppm - H2 content 0 to 50 ppm

Metrological Portable Bench


ZI Broteau Nord

Impasse Louis VERD

69540 IRIGNY


Phone : +33 (0)4 78 51 47 50

Fax : +33 (0)4 78 51 59 96

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